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Mount Pleasant, SC
Completed in 2012, this 84,000-square-foot LEED Certified facility consolidates scattered suburban specialty clinics into one neo-traditional development to improve accessibility and provide a superior patient experience.
The consolidated physicians’ offices not only improve patient access but also increase physician collaboration in this community-centered building. Highlighting comfort, healing, and ease of use, the building includes a concierge desk, public energy food restaurant, and community meeting room. Local artwork and day-lighting are weaved throughout the building, and a roof top garden is available for patients, visitors, and staff.
The interior of the building was designed into four zones: A patient/public zone, a staff/support zone, a clinical zone, and a physician/nurse zone. These zones allow varying levels of privacy and connectivity so patients can access interdisciplinary care without having to re-enter public areas. The zones also promote teaming opportunities among nurse and physician workstations. Key planning principles included flexibility for inevitable change, organized patient way-finding, sustainability and energy efficiency.
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